Cheshir here

MS Paint drawing of a vaguely avian creature.

Hello, I am a writer who is learning a lot of things on my own (thank you, internet). I have a few serial stories that I can share, as well as random thoughts and anectdotes.

I started uploading serial stories to Substack mid 2024. I want to house them on my own site, so I am learning HTML with neocities. You can check out my Substack here if you want:

Link to Substack publication

I like to write without a formula. I like wandering stories that explore people and worlds casually, so I try to emulate that in my writing.

I also draw. I have a Cara account where I plan to upload my drawings as I finish them:

Link to Cara

My current interests are:

Please bear with me. This is a side project amongst my many other "side projects". One day, I will be able to upload my stories here and let everyone read them.
Until then, thank you for checking in on my world.